Tuesday, September 29, 2009

#'s 20 and 21 - Time To Move . . .

Two quiet Sundays at OV Community Beach, the last one on 9/20 featured a beautiful day but nary any people.  I do believe it's time to move on down to the Beach and Boardwalk at the Ocean front in Virginia Beach. God's been putting that on my heart for awhile now.  The Neptune Festival has ended, but there will still be poeple all year round.  More later.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

#19 All Quiet

So, Sept 6th was a quiet day at the OV Beach. Pretty day, lots of folks around for the last official weekend of summer. I felt great and read loud. Folks just listened and walked along. I wanted to read again on Monday Sept 7th, but it rained all day and wasn't fit for man nor beast. Ducks and geese maybe . . .

I pass out small Gospel of John Pocket Testament Guides from the Pocket Testament League. I've been doing this since summer 2008. In each Guide is a little sticker with my identification number. If someone gets a Guide and reads it and wants to make a decision for Jesus or wants to get involved with passing out the Guides, they register online and use the sticker number so the League can track where they got their original Guide from. Well, last summer my incredible sister Annette signed up in Chicago as my first member. She rocks! About 2 weeks ago, a woman from Norfolk signed up as well! I'm really excited - it means the Guides are having an impact. Praise the God of Salvation! Below is a picture of my hero, Annette, with my nephew Alex. (They are standing in front of Buckingham Fountain in Chicago) What a fiery Christian she is! I love her with all my heart. Please pray for her as you do me - God Bless!

Monday, August 31, 2009

#18 Scott

I met Scott awhile back. Good guy. Dry-wall is his profession and he, like so many others, has been hit hard by the tough economic times we're all facing. He lives on a small boat docked at a friend's house. It has no power, so he doesn't get to sleep in the summer until 2 or 3 am when it's cooled down a bit. He gets odd jobs and does some volunteer work. But, what a great attitude! He's reading a book by Chuck Swindoll that he picked up at a garage sales and it's bringing him a great deal of joy. He's got his addictions (like all of us!) but he keeps giving them to God and pushing ahead. I spoke to him for a good bit at the OV Beach yesterday after I was done street-reading. I gave him a ride to another part of town and we talked the whole way over. Amidst the tough times, God is blessing him - he is able to spend a lot of time with his family. I look forward to seeing him again!

The beach was hot and sunny and I actually got a little pink on my shoulders. I read some different passages yesterday and continued marking my SR bible - it's almost complete. Except that, probably, it will never be complete. I'm always finding new verses that I want to read - I figure Jesus keeps bringing them to my attention. The first 3 chapters of John and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew continue to be my staples.

One woman got right up close to me, like she wanted to talk, and when I stopped reading and asked her if she wanted to talk, she said, "No, keep reading." I did and she left with her friend after a few minutes. Hmm . . . I wonder what God is doing in her life. Keep her in your prayers, as I keep her in mine.

September 7th - Labor Day - is my one year anniversary opf street-reading! I can't believe its been a year already! I have one significant goal this year - I actually started August 10th - and that is to street-read at least once a week, hopefully more. I can't wait to see what God has got in store for this ministry in the coming year. I am continually blessed with great energy and a heart for those without Jesus in their lives. Please keep praying for me. Thanks!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Review of 'Jesus Loves You - This I Know'

The new book by Craig Gross and Jason Harper is finally out, and not a moment too soon! What a treasure this book is. The love that exudes from every page is authentic and inspiring. Both of the authors do such a wonderful job of weaving their particular insights around some engaging stories. They make you smile, laugh, weep, and cheer. They make you feel a part of their lives and ministry while they're revealing spiritual truths that have deep significance to them. We are constantly reminded that Jesus loves us ALL, from the bitter and betrayed to the religious. With each story Craig and Jason share the depth of faith and yearning for the broken and lost and unloved. As the title clearly states, Jesus DOES love us all and throughout the book, that fact is never far from our minds. No one is beyond the reach of the Master! JESUS loves us all, and is constantly working to draw us closer to Him. Whether old Willie the Win0, disconnected and forgotten but discovered and loved by Jason as he ventured out into the 'real' world as a cable guy, or the thousands of too-young Schoolies revelers in Australia that Craig untiringly ministered to, Jesus is there in the midst - reaching out and loving. Always loving!

This is a book to be read and passed around to all your friends, and then read again (which is what I'm doing!). Buy it and be blessed - then share it and pass along the love of Jesus. The link to purchase the book is at right - do it now. God bless you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

#17 Blessings All Around

Sunday, August 23rd was a lovely day at OV Beach! - a little cloudy, but cooler than it has been. And it has been HOT and HUMID this August - especially crazy after a very mild July.

Anyway, this day was filled with people who were blessed and encouraged and let me know about it. One fella had been shot in December 08 and is paralyzed and in a wheel chair. He just wanted to let me know how great it was to hear God's Word on the boardwalk.

Another sweet woman wasn't able to make it to church that day because she was helping a friend in need. She was blessed by the mighty Word of God when she came to the beach!

And then I was blessed with a kiss and a hug from a Special teenage boy who sang about Jesus inbetween my reading. He startled me with his genuine affection and moved me to tears as I realized the real purity of God's love for me . . . and all of us. It's difficult to describe accurately what it's like to encounter Jesus in other people - my limited words don't do Him justice. They don't capture the emotion and the fantastic joy! I can only keep saying how;
and blessed
and fortunate
and honored
I am to encounter Him at all! As I continue to fight the addictions in my life, I am often stunned at how gracious and good the Lord and Redeemer of my soul is to me. When I say that I am undeserving, I want you to understand that I am tragically undeserving of God's grace and favor. I stand as a pathetic and wretched and horrific sinner before my Creator - having made a monumental mess of my life! I deserve only to be cast out from His holy presence. He is the King of Kings and I am the lowest among sinners! Why, Why, Why would He be willing to lay down His magnificent life for ME!?! Who am I?!

I cannot fathom the love - the unbelievable love He has for me. I only know that it's true. His Word declares it and I believe it - with all my heart! Only, Only, Only, by accepting Jesus' outstretched hand and daily washing myself in the shed blood of the slain Lamb have I got even a hint of a chance to live in a way that honors Him - to fulfill the promise that He sees in me. And, with that as my goal, I must keep Him in front of me CONSTANTLY! All through the day and night! Words, songs, in all that I do I've got to keep Him in my sights - lest I stray even one step from the path He is blazing! I've wasted so many years by indulging in everything meaningless. No more! No more deviation from the path that leads to Life! Now, I have only one purpose - to advance the Kingdom of Truth - to bring honor and glory to the only wise King - to help everyone He puts in my path. Amen.

Monday, August 17, 2009

#16 Jilly Jo, Matthew, Donald and more

Sunday August 16th was the first time back to OV Beach in awhile.  My friend Jillian (Jilly Jo) came to join me and pass out flyers for a new Awana program she is starting at church.  I gave her some Pocket Testaments to hand out as well.  She did a great job!  The day was beautiful - warm and clear. Jillian's sister Jessica and her family spent some time at the beach and joined us later in the day for awhile.  It was fun having friends there to share and talk with!

We got there around 4pm, a little late but still a lot of folks walking around.  As usual, I had been praying since the morning that God would use His Word from my mouth to touch the hearts of those He was calling.  It didn't take long to meet someone He was working on.  We met a homeless man named Donald who, though pretty intoxicated, wanted to change his life and asked us to pray with him.  We did and and gave him a few bucks to eat with.  Following Jesus' lead, we've got to meet the physical needs before even trying to meet the spiritual ones.  My good friend Matthew (whom I met at the beach back in October of 2008) joined us and he prayed for Donald.  Matthew is called by God to preach His word and, I believe, God is moving him in that direction.  A little later I ran into Kevin, a man that I had spoken to about 2 months ago, and he was doing great!  He had lost his job and was out on the streets when I last talked to him - but got a new job and was living with his sister.  Very soon he would have his own place.  He was all smiles and was praising the Lord. He's a testimony to how God looks out for us and provides what we need when we need it - so long as we trust him for it.  What an awesome God we serve!

Well, that's my update for now.  I used the Large print Bible I bought expressly for Street-Reading for the first time today.  I love that large print!  No more squinting!  I am almost finished reading Craig Gross' book 'Jesus Loves You - this I know' and I'll be posting a review and a link to the site where the book can be purchased.  Here's a little tease - it's a phenomonal book!  Inspiring and introspective.  More later.  Thanks for all the prayers.  Please keep praying that God would use my efforts - and those with me - to meet the needs of those He directs us to.  God Bless!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Toni's Poetry

August 1st! A new month is born and I'm finally feeling pretty good again. July was a lost month for me due to pneumonia and other complications. I'm back in action and looking forward to this month and what God has in store for me.

In early July, Toni and Franni went to Summer Work Camp in Petersburg, VA with other youth from our church. Their mission was to help local families make required and necessary repairs to their homes. About 250 youth from all over the country are divided into crews and sent out to do the repairs. At night, they hang out and get to know each other and form friendships. There are constant activities and it's a great time of sharing. During their week long stay, they have testimonies and a time to share their thoughts and feelings each night. On one night, Toni shared this poem she wrote. I thought it was beautiful (that's right, call me a proud papa!) and am sharing it here.

Love Can

By Toni Eulo - July 2009

Love can sacrifice

Love can care

Love can even come through a teddy bear

Love can be hard

Love can be tender

Love can be music

So keep strummin’ that Fender!

Love is great

Love is kind

Hold on tight

Don’t break that bind

Because once it’s gone

It’s hard to get back

So don’t give up,

Don’t just throw it in a sack

Believe in love

You can’t go wrong

It’ll make you strong

Strong like King Kong

Believe in love

You won’t have to worry

Things will get better

Don’t rush or hurry

Just sit back

Enjoy the ride

Because God is with you

Right by your side

Pretty good, huh? She has a great heart! I'm proud of her and Franni both. Here's a picture of our gang. From left: Carl, Andrea, Ronnie, Trey, Toni, Stacy, Franni, & Bill. God bless them for their dedication!

Monday, June 29, 2009

#15 Mid-week & a video

So last tuesday, no one was home when I got off work.  Both daughters were busy and Colleen was helping our sister-in-law paint.  Now, I was tired from the 10-hour day and hadn't slept that well the night before.  But as I pulled out of the driveway from work, I got that familiar nudge from the Creator to head over to the beach and I was immediately energized!  The evening was beautiful and there were a lot of folks walking around.  I prayed that God would bless all those folks who would hear His Word and would use it to draw them to Him.  I read for awhile, talked to some folks and was, as usual, blessed by Jesus with a feeling of joy and purpose.  My voice was a little funny from the sinus infection and respiratory junk in my system, but I don't think I scared anyone off.  I think I'm going to start putting my table of tracts and booklets across from where I stand so people will more readily take them.  Having it next to me is not working so well.  I'm looking forward to this 4th of July weekend and hope to get down to the Virginia Beach boardwalk one day.  Please continue to pray for me and that God will use my efforts.  God bless!

The video below is stirring!  It has helped to clarify the direction for the next chapter of my life.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

#14 Savannah!

Colleen and I went to Savannah, GA for a week and fell in love with the city. The people are warm, the sites are cool and the history is rich. The downtown area, where we stayed, is filled with marvelous squares (or parks, as the locals call them) that are lush and green and have a monument or statue celebrating some person or event. The Live Oak trees covered in Spanish Moss coupled with the Palm trees make for a beautiful scene. There are a bunch of folks who have mastered the art of palm branch weaving - that is, taking palm branches like churches give out on Palm Sunday and fashioning them into flowers, hearts, butterflies, etc. They do a beautiful job, but one gentleman also creates Dragonflies. He says he's the only one in Savannah that does and, truth be told, I didn't see anyone else making them the entire time we were there! We befriended Jerry (pictured above at left) the first day we were there and visited with him part of each day thereafter. He's been at his craft for 10 years. In the picture of Colleen and I , on my hat is the Dragonfly he made me. Cool, huh? Anyway, Jerry has staked out Johnson Square as his territory and all the craftsmen and women respect each other's location. Johnson Square is about a block from the Savannah River and features a lot of folks walking through it on their way to wherever. Everyday a well-dressed gentleman walks from Forsyth Park to the River (about a mile) and back. He carries a sign that talks about fighting for freedom and staying close to Jesus. His name is Mr. Moody and he and Jerry are good friends. I was introduced to him one day and really enjoyed how he would yell out his message and stop to talk to people along the way. So, naturally, I thought this would be a good opportunity to do some street-reading.

On Wednesday morning June 10th, I met Jerry in his park and asked if would mind if I did some reading - he thought it would be a great idea. Come to find out that Jerry is a Bible scholar and previously had trained for 8 years. I had already prayed that God would send those who He wanted to hear His Word, set up my stuff and started in. Mr. Moody was there, too. People passed by on their way to work or meetings and one fellow stopped to give us an impromptu Bible study about the Lord's Prayer. It was different reading in this beautiful but unfamiliar place. I got into a good rhythm and read for about an hour, and then sat down to talk to Mr. Moody some more. What a wise and compassionate man he is. No one spoke to me, either positively or negatively, so I just trust that God was using His Words to reach those walking by.

I plan to be back to OV Beach next weekend and am working on going to the ocean front in July. Praise the Lord our Redeemer for constantly drawing us towards him! God Bless - and please keep praying for the lost and hungry souls we meet every day!

BTW - my article 'Only One' was published in the June edition of The Church Guide of Hampton Roads. I will be working with the owner and of that great paper, Ray Boetcher, on expanding the street-reading ministry. Please pray for us - thanks!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

#13 Bishop

Saturday, May 16, 2009 (my son Nathan’s 27th birthday!) was alternately rainy and sunny. Late in the afternoon about 3:00, the sun was shining – mostly - and I went to OV Beach to read God’s holy Word. There weren’t as many people as usual because of the threat of more rain, but God’s Word only needs one person to be miraculous. (When it comes right down to it, even without people the rocks and stones themselves would start to sing of His glory!) After awhile, a very tall young man came and stood next to me. After I finished the passage I was reading, Hosea chapter 11, I stopped to talk to him. He was dressed in all black and said he had a word from God for me. At first he spoke in a foreign tongue and then he relayed a great deal of encouragement and support for the ministry and me. He was very intense as he spoke the Word from God! When he was done, we hugged and I thanked him.

And then we talked for a while. He introduced himself as Bishop and said he was from Florida. He had been in this are for awhile and traveled each day where God wanted him to go, sharing his faith and a Word with whomever God sent him to. He didn’t have a paying job, but that was God’s idea and so the Creator took care of him. He got what he needed when he needed it. We shared some stories for a bit and then we started to leave. As we walked to our vehicles, he came over to share some of his Christian poetry with me – awesome stuff, very inspiring and revealing. Then it started to rain and we sat in my car. He shared some more of his writings and said that he was going to put it all in a book – that God was giving these poems to him. I encouraged him to put his poems in a blog but he would have no part of it – said that God would put it together in His own time and fashion. I told him about my blog and asked him to write me a few lines. He started thinking and then broke into a big smile and started to laugh. He jumped out of the car and was back in a flash with a paper in his hand. He told me he had written this a couple of weeks ago, and wondered why God had given him this particular verse. Then he looked at me and said, “God wants me to give this to you!” And he did. Then I gave him my cell number and asked for his. He smiled and said he didn’t have one, that God would put us together when He wanted to. So, here is what Bishop wrote and God wanted me to have:

The Dangers of Life – May 10, 2009

Freewill, the greatest gift known to humankind, in the flesh that is.

While living life in sin, people often make statements like,

you can’t tell me what to do -

this is my life, let me live it -

and my personal favorite – only God can judge me!

In the end, we all get what we deserve based on the lives that we lived and the decisions that we made. There will be no blameshifting. So be careful while you are out there living your life to the fullest. Don’t forget the one who created you and for what purpose. If you don’t know your purpose, seek and you shall find. Call on the Father in the name of the Son.

May God richly bless you, Bishop. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for letting me see some of the other members of the Body, and the work that God has them doing. You are an inspiration. God bless all the readers! Pray!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Article - "ONLY ONE"

How many roads lead to God, the ultimate and sovereign creator of the universe? Can there be more than one? If there’s only one, can we know which one is true and which are not? While the sheer number of religions and faith systems in our world seem to allow for various paths to the Creator, can we really establish a genuine and intimate relationship with God through numerous paths – based, for instance, on our cultural and geographic circumstances? These questions form the basis of a popular train of thought among Christians and non-Christians alike, which I believe needs to be critically examined. Why? Because the answers to these questions are part of the foundation upon which ones faith is built. Case in point: to choose a pluralistic point of view, one that allows for many paths to God, will take one in a very different direction than for those who believe there is only one path to God.

I believe there’s only one way to God. I do believe that when one considers the many faith options available, only one clear choice will emerge, because there is only one Son of God/Son of Man that created the way back to God. There is only one faith that clearly spells out humanity’s broken relationship with God and what is needed to return to God, to re-establish an intimate and deeply personal relationship. Yes, re-establish; because at one time humanity enjoyed that kind of relationship with the Creator. At one time, we were innocent and free; walking and talking with him as if he was our best friend – because he was! Then, we went in a different direction and we chose disobedience and became slaves of our perceived independence.

And that’s where we are today; separated from our Creator, trying in vain to repair our broken relationship. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal put it best when he said, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man (and woman) which cannot be filled by any created thing . . .” Yet we continue to stuff all manner of things into that vacuum – drugs, alcohol, lust, greed, the pursuit of what the world deems ‘success’ - hoping it will fulfill our often unconscious need for that deep bond with our maker. But, of course, it cannot and does not. The rest of Pascal’s quote gives us the only one true entity that can fill our vacuum, “but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.” Only when we accept Jesus’ offer of forgiveness and freedom will we be restored as the creation God intended. Only when we, as Pastor Dick Waters used to say, “plug into the power source,” will the chasm between God and his beloved creation be closed and the relationship repaired.

Why then is Jesus, the foundation of the Christian faith, so different from the other central figures in some of the major world religions? Why is he the only way back to God? The Buddha - Siddhārtha Gautama – and the prophet Muhammad were men who were born and died. They weren’t God. They didn’t claim to be, as Jesus did when he told the Jews, “The Father and I are one.” (John 10:30) Same with Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - a great man, to be sure. But one who lived and died. Jesus, however, claimed to be the exclusive manifestation of the one true God. This inferred that, along with the Father, he created life and was present in the beginning. (John 1:1-3) To all those in the temple he said, “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was born, I am,” (John 8:58) using words that left no doubt he believed himself to be one with Yahweh. The Jews in power believed that to be blasphemy and sought to kill him on the spot, but he slipped away from them.

If you remove the Buddha, Muhammad, Gandhi and the many, many Gods in Hinduism, from their respective faiths, the teachings of those faiths remain. However, if you take Jesus out of Christianity, you have no Christianity at all. Why? Because Jesus claimed to be one with the Creator (John 10:30 & 14:6-7 - almost always referring to him as Father), claimed to have all authority in heaven and on earth (Matt 28:18), told his followers that he would be rejected by the ruling authorities, killed, and would be raised up in three days to complete their faith (Luke 9:22). If he were wrong on any one of those points, then he would be considered a liar or a mad man who couldn’t be trusted and whose teachings would be false.

But Jesus isn’t a liar or a mad man. He is the risen Savior of our planet. Unlike any of the other central figures in any other religions, he is alive in real space and time and is alive in the hearts and souls of those who trust him. Jesus is:

* the only mediator between God and humanity.

“Jesus answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name." Acts 10:43

* the only God-Man in history. Jesus is the only one who can be God in the presence of humanity, and human in the presence of God.

“The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.” John 5:22-23

* the only one who, because of His sinless life, could take the rap for humans and pay the price for our crimes against God. He is the only one who can reconcile and bring healing to the broken relationship between God and humanity.

“For the Son of man also came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

* the only one who DID redeem humanity.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” John 12:32

* the only necessary and sufficient means by which we may be saved.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

* the only one to face death and make it out the other side, with hundreds of witnesses to verify that truth.

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25-26a

“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.” I Corinthians 15:3-7

The fact that Jesus claimed to be the only way to God is what separates him from any other figure on the stage of history. He didn’t say he was ‘one’ of the ways. He never said that there were others doing a ‘similar’ work or providing ‘alternate routes’. From his birth, through his ministry and culminating in his death, his whole life was lived in order to provide the necessary and sufficient sacrifice to atone for the sins of all humanity. In modern-day vernacular, Jesus was groomed to fulfill his destiny as Savior. What he said, where he went, who his friends were, was all carefully planned so that his life and mission would be clearly understood. When God raised Jesus from the dead, he validated his life and sacrifice, once and for always providing for all humanity the exclusive and undeniable ‘way’ back to him. That said, why would God create additional or alternate paths when his Son, a very real and tangible part of himself, had already blazed the path and accomplished the mission? To allow for ‘alternate’ paths would be trivializing the life of Jesus and the horrific, but necessary, work of the cross. Only Jesus’ sacrifice could pay the price for our sins and create the forgiven path back to the Father.

Having accomplished this ‘way’ back to God, it only makes sense that the Father would make plain to everyone exactly who the Savior is. As of 2007, it has been determined that over 7.5 billion Bibles have been distributed worldwide - almost one per person - and these figures do not include the various digital versions of the Bible being used today by millions on computers, iPhones and Blackberries. Little wonder that the plan and story of God’s salvation, the Bible, is the bestselling book of all time. It just makes sense that God would want as many people as possible to know about his gift. God becoming a man to rescue us from sin is totally unique among all the world religions and is the only solution for the separation between humanity and God. God’s forgiveness is a gift - the gift of grace. It is a gift we do not deserve, and can never earn. Grace is how we are saved, through Jesus alone. All the other religions, faiths, paths and myriad ways are imposters and seek to deceive us and divert us from the truth.

Ultimately, there is one way to the Creator God and only one way. We can both acknowledge that and believe in Jesus - or not. That is our decision to make.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
John 3:17-18

Jesus is:
the light of the world. John 8:12
the good shepherd. John 10:11
the bread of life. John 6:35
the only way to God. John 14:6
the creator of all things. John 1:3
the true vine. John 15:1
the resurrection and the life. John 11:25-26
the savior of the world. John 3:16, Acts 4:12

Now, go forth - reach out to Jesus - and reach back for a friend . . .

Mark Eulo Virginia Beach, VA May 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

#12 Out-Of-Towners

On the first Saturday in May (5/09/09) I was leaving the hair salon after getting my haircut and got a strong message to go to OV Beach and read. I fought the urge at first because I wanted to get home in plenty of time to watch the Kentucky Derby, a tradition in my home since I met my wife 8 years ago. In fact, this was the first time that Colleen and I weren’t going to watch it together because she was in Tampa, FL on business. Colleen was raised just outside of Louisville, KY where the Derby is a way of life, and we enjoy watching it together. The plan was that we would talk to each other on the phone while each of us watched the race from our separate TV’s.

After a moment, I realized God had something else in mind and made a sharp left onto Shore Drive and rode down to Ocean View Beach, set up my table and stool and began reading from the Holy Scriptures. The day was beautiful and there were a bunch of folks coming and going. Before long, a young woman took one of the Gospel of John booklets and sat down about 10 feet in front of me to listen. I am always so invigorated to read God’s Word, to know that Jesus is coming out of me and filling the air with promise and hope! After awhile, a woman came over and introduced herself – Yael – and told me that she was a Messianic Jew and for me to keep on glorifying God as I read. Her husband, Norm, waved at us and I found out that he was from an area of Chicago that I had lived in as a boy. He told me that Messianic Jews in Israel are growing very fast. An article on CBN.com dated 12/26/08 states that “a resurgence in the number of Jews who believe in Jesus is getting a lot of attention. Many leaders say it's the strongest growth since the time of Jesus and that the Messianic movement could be on the brink of a great revival.” The same article says that there are about 120 congregations and between 10,000-15,000 Jewish believers in Jesus – Yeshua, as they call him. Praise be to God!

After we talked for a few minutes, they returned to their bench on the boardwalk and I to the Scriptures. Finally, the woman who was sitting down was joined by her children and husband and another couple. Turns out they are all in the Army stationed about 2 hours from Norfolk and had come to the beach for the day. After listening to me for awhile, they wanted to tell me how encouraged they were and how they were being blessed. I told them that they were doing the same for me! They thanked me for having the courage to read the Scriptures on the boardwalk and gave me some great hugs. Then we prayed for each other and they left.

As Yael and Norm were leaving, Norm wanted to pray for the ministry and me and he did. I really am grateful for all the prayers that are said for me. Meanwhile, I am constantly praying that God’s Word would penetrate the hearts of those who hear it.

When I drove home that evening, I listened to the Derby on the radio while my beautiful wife was on the phone sharing the moment. I was reminded of just how incredible it is to be in the will of God and to be doing the work He has assigned for me. It is the greatest joy of my life! To give back to Jesus, the redeemer of my soul, is such an honor! I yearn for the day when I stand in His presence and he wraps His loving arms around me and says, with that clear, strong voice I have come to know, “Well done, Mark, good and faithful servant.” I believe that will take me right on through eternity . . . wow!

I hope to have some concrete news in the next week or so about the development of the Street-Reading ministry. I'm talking to some important people who are going to help me get things rolling. Until I post again, my prayers are for all those who are reading this. Thank you for yours and may you be blessed every moment of every day. Praise to our Savior, Yeshua!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

# 11 Toni and Franni help out!

On Saturday April 18, my daughters accompanied me to OV Beach for more street-reading. Toni, 16, and Franni, 14, were such a blessing! They are both young Christians and this was one of their first experiences spreading the Gospel. After some initial instructions, they each took a handful of Bible tracts and passed them out up and down the boardwalk as I read the Word. They did a great job and, I believe, became a bit bolder for God. We had talked about how what we are doing has potential eternal implications and that it was very exciting to be about God’s business! I felt the time was right for them to begin the process of sharing their faith and thinking about what Jesus has in mind for them – what ‘good works’ he has created for them to do. Ephesians 2:10

I met a wonderful Christian woman by the name of Brenda who shared some of her story with me. Her husband is a pastor and she loves to spread the Gospel of Jesus – she even made up her own tract! She was a lot of fun to talk to and promised to pray for the ministry. Speaking of which, I am thinking of giving the ministry a name and maybe, even, see about getting others involved. I am working on a document that will outline the whole ministry and plan on talking to some of the folks from my church.

I am still working on my article about why Jesus is the ONLY way back to God and will post that when I’m done. God bless all who read this blog – my prayers are with you as I’m sure yours are with me. Praise and glory to our Savior and redeemer, Jesus of Nazareth! Amen!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

#9 & 10 A God-Sized Dose Of Encouragement

April 4th was a gorgeous day in Hampton Roads and my wife and I enjoyed it to the full. We shopped for flowers and plants and seeds and dirt and then played in the yard until about 3:30pm. I had felt the call to do some Street-Reading and decided I should go while it was still pretty early and folks would be moving around. The enemy is insidious, however, and nearly convinced me not to go: “It’s too late, just go tomorrow” and “Stay home and help your wife with the yard work and planting.” With the support of my wife and the nudging of God, I fought off those darts (To God be the glory for the victory!) and headed to OV Beach. Lots of folks were milling around and going to and from the beach as I set up and began reading the Gospel. After awhile I noticed a woman who was just watching and listening and finally stopped me as I was flipping to another passage. She introduced herself – Joyce – and said she was so encouraged to hear me and that she was so proud of me for proclaiming the Gospel. Well, let me just tell you that my heart burst in my chest and the Spirit welled up in me and I couldn’t control myself – tears came flowing from my eyes. It was as if Jesus Himself was speaking to me – encouraging me! I hugged her and thanked her and she told me a few more times how proud of me she was. We had a great conversation and exchanged phone numbers and email addresses. Then she prayed for me, that angels would surround me and protect me as I read, and I prayed for her and her family. Seems that her family has been involved in Christian theater and, as I am in the midst of writing my 7th play, that really piqued my interest. God is so fabulous about getting people together who share the same interests!

A little while later, as I paused between passages, a woman sitting on a bench yelled over to me, “I’m listening!” I smiled and waved at her and said, “thanks” and continued reading. From that point on I could hear her saying “Amen” every so often and just encouraging me. After about 20 minutes, I stopped for the day and went over to talk with her. Loretta had gotten off of work and decided that she wanted to go to the waterfront to take in God’s beauty. She prayed that God would give her ‘a word’ as she was reading her Bible. When she got to the beach, there I was reading the exact passage that she had been reading! She was just amazed at God’s beautiful answer to her prayers and she and I had a great time praising God together. As we were talking, several people stopped by my little table of tracts and Gospel of John booklets and took them. Usually, when I’m reading, they won’t do that. I have to re-think that process.

Some lessons learned:
1. When Joyce prayed for my protection as I read the Gospel, it gave me an incredible feeling. The image of angels surrounding me as I read God’s Word is quite powerful and gives me a sense of connectedness with God that I had previously not considered. I am a pretty bold person by nature, but realizing that God is indeed protecting me as His Word goes out to do His will is comforting and exhilarating – and encouraging. (There’s that word again!) God bless you, Joyce.
2. Loretta helped to solidify the reality and urgency of God’s calling to me. When He puts it on my heart to go and read, it’s for a reason – whether to offer help to a lost soul or inspiration to a believer, or any number of things that God may want to accomplish with His Word. I mean, I knew that before, down deep somewhere, but she showed me how stunningly ‘real’ and exciting it is to do what God wants when He wants it done! To actually be a part of His plan! To work alongside the Creator and Master of the universe! Whew - what a blessing! God bless you, Loretta.
3. I think I need to move my little table of tracts and Gospel booklets further away from me as I read. I think I may be intimidating people. When no one is around, people stop and take some.
4. I have always enjoyed the children that stop to watch and listen as I read – they’re so innocent and filled with wonder. Without exception, if their parents don’t stop them, they will stand and watch. Well, it finally dawned on me what’s happening. Just as they would stop to watch and listen to Jesus, they are drawn to the Word in the same way. Jesus is the Word and the Word is Jesus! (John 1:1-2) As I read the Word, children (and other folks as well) are drawn to it as if it was actually Jesus standing there talking to them. Amazing, huh? Now, I don’t think I’m quite the picture of Jesus that people have in mind, but hey, it’s all about the Gospel!
5. Finally, it occurred to me as I was driving home from the beach, that when Joyce was talking to me, it really was Jesus. She was the conduit that His love and encouragement flowed through, and she was faithful in allowing Him to love me through her. What a blessing for Joyce and I both to be used of the Master!

On Sunday, April 5th, I returned to OV Beach for about an hour or so. It was another beautiful day but was relatively quiet. Not nearly as many folks out. Still, God’s Word was read and it didn’t return to Him without its purpose being accomplished – whatever that was. (Isaiah 55:10-11) I am honored to be a part of the process. I expect that I will not always be privy to the workings of the Creator, but am blessed when I am.

Thanks for reading – keep me in your prayers. I'll take some pics of OV Beach and post 'em next time. God bless all of you!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Billy Sunday Sermon Link

Just finished reading this great sermon by soul-winner Billy Sunday called "He That Winneth Souls is Wise". He preached it in Indiana in 1922. Here's a quick quote: "What is the church doing to win people for Christ? I bet alot of you don't know whether or not people right around in your neighborhood are Christians. We never do anything; no wonder the world is going to the Devil. Oh, I get so sick of people being dead! You have sat around so long you have mildewed."

Check out the full sermon and see if it doesn't fire you up! It did me.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

#8 Carlton and a bus ride (Matthew joins in)

So it's been 5 months since I last did any Street-Reading - October 2008. Talk about being distracted - talk about losing sight of the Master . . . Yikes! But I'm back and trying to fight the good fight everyday.

Last Sunday after church, I returned to my usual spot at Ocean View Beach to read God's saving Word to anyone who walks by. (Since our move to Virginia Beach in November, I had been wondering and praying to see if God wanted me to Read somewhere else. Since I haven't gotten a different direction, I returned to where He last directed me.) It was a beautiful March day and there were a lot of people about. After a few minutes of reading, I noticed a man carrying a plastic bag watching me. He did this for a few minutes and then sat down to my right and continued to watch, making soft comments every once in a while.

About that time, my friend Matthew showed up - I had called him earlier - to hang out and pass out Bible tracts and talk to folks. He quickly befriended the man with the plastic bag - Carlton - and, after about 90 minutes or so, we decided to leave and run an errand for Matthew. While I was packing up my stuff, Matthew went over to talk to Carlton and, before I knew it, he was leading him to Jesus! Seems that Carlton was at the end of his rope; homeless and with no money. He's been that way for awhile and just wanted to get home to Washington D.C. where his children were. He kept saying that God had led him to the end of the road and here he was at the water. He knew he couldn't go any farther and wondered why he was there. And then he realized that God sent him there to hear His word and to rededicate his life. Well, that's exactly what he did as Matthew and I prayed for and with him, holding hands while the Spirit of God worked and filled Carlton with His mercy, forgiveness and joy. Praise the God of miracles! Praise and glory to Him who's timing is perfect! Praises to Him who will use imperfect servants to do His will and accomplish His tasks!

When we were finished, the 3 of got in my car and went to my house. Matthew needed to check on his van, which is parked in a safe spot across the street from my house, and Carlton was hungry. Earlier in the week my beautiful wife Colleen had made a new dish called Tortilla Soup. Sounds weird, I know, but it's fantastic! Filled Carlton right up! He was ready for a nap afterwards. Anyway, I gave him an extra duffle bag for his stuff and then we drove Matthew back to his kids' house. Then I took Carlton to the bus station in downtown Norfolk, bought him a one-way ticket to D.C. and gave him a few bucks for incidentals. By 6:30 pm that Sunday night he was on his way home with a full stomach and a revived spirit. Just before I left, he had an awed look on his face and said, "When this day started, I had no idea what I was going to do or where I was going to get my next meal from. God sent you to me today - and now I'm going home."

Later that night, as Colleen and I talked about the day's adventures, I felt once again like a part of the Kingdom. Like I was contributing to the positive pile. Many years ago, my best friend and mentor - Dick Waters - said that there were only two piles in life; positive and negative. We had to decide which pile we were going to contribute to. That's always stayed with me. I know I contributed to the positive pile on Sunday. And, according to scripture (Matt 25:40), I fed Jesus and helped him get back home. Pretty awesome is how I feel! Pretty humble that even I can be of service to the Kingdom - and the Master.

Pray for Carlton - and for all those desperate, homeless folks struggling to stay alive out there. Please pray that our God would send the workers to help them - maybe you. God Bless!