Thursday, April 23, 2009

# 11 Toni and Franni help out!

On Saturday April 18, my daughters accompanied me to OV Beach for more street-reading. Toni, 16, and Franni, 14, were such a blessing! They are both young Christians and this was one of their first experiences spreading the Gospel. After some initial instructions, they each took a handful of Bible tracts and passed them out up and down the boardwalk as I read the Word. They did a great job and, I believe, became a bit bolder for God. We had talked about how what we are doing has potential eternal implications and that it was very exciting to be about God’s business! I felt the time was right for them to begin the process of sharing their faith and thinking about what Jesus has in mind for them – what ‘good works’ he has created for them to do. Ephesians 2:10

I met a wonderful Christian woman by the name of Brenda who shared some of her story with me. Her husband is a pastor and she loves to spread the Gospel of Jesus – she even made up her own tract! She was a lot of fun to talk to and promised to pray for the ministry. Speaking of which, I am thinking of giving the ministry a name and maybe, even, see about getting others involved. I am working on a document that will outline the whole ministry and plan on talking to some of the folks from my church.

I am still working on my article about why Jesus is the ONLY way back to God and will post that when I’m done. God bless all who read this blog – my prayers are with you as I’m sure yours are with me. Praise and glory to our Savior and redeemer, Jesus of Nazareth! Amen!

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