Saturday, May 16, 2009

#13 Bishop

Saturday, May 16, 2009 (my son Nathan’s 27th birthday!) was alternately rainy and sunny. Late in the afternoon about 3:00, the sun was shining – mostly - and I went to OV Beach to read God’s holy Word. There weren’t as many people as usual because of the threat of more rain, but God’s Word only needs one person to be miraculous. (When it comes right down to it, even without people the rocks and stones themselves would start to sing of His glory!) After awhile, a very tall young man came and stood next to me. After I finished the passage I was reading, Hosea chapter 11, I stopped to talk to him. He was dressed in all black and said he had a word from God for me. At first he spoke in a foreign tongue and then he relayed a great deal of encouragement and support for the ministry and me. He was very intense as he spoke the Word from God! When he was done, we hugged and I thanked him.

And then we talked for a while. He introduced himself as Bishop and said he was from Florida. He had been in this are for awhile and traveled each day where God wanted him to go, sharing his faith and a Word with whomever God sent him to. He didn’t have a paying job, but that was God’s idea and so the Creator took care of him. He got what he needed when he needed it. We shared some stories for a bit and then we started to leave. As we walked to our vehicles, he came over to share some of his Christian poetry with me – awesome stuff, very inspiring and revealing. Then it started to rain and we sat in my car. He shared some more of his writings and said that he was going to put it all in a book – that God was giving these poems to him. I encouraged him to put his poems in a blog but he would have no part of it – said that God would put it together in His own time and fashion. I told him about my blog and asked him to write me a few lines. He started thinking and then broke into a big smile and started to laugh. He jumped out of the car and was back in a flash with a paper in his hand. He told me he had written this a couple of weeks ago, and wondered why God had given him this particular verse. Then he looked at me and said, “God wants me to give this to you!” And he did. Then I gave him my cell number and asked for his. He smiled and said he didn’t have one, that God would put us together when He wanted to. So, here is what Bishop wrote and God wanted me to have:

The Dangers of Life – May 10, 2009

Freewill, the greatest gift known to humankind, in the flesh that is.

While living life in sin, people often make statements like,

you can’t tell me what to do -

this is my life, let me live it -

and my personal favorite – only God can judge me!

In the end, we all get what we deserve based on the lives that we lived and the decisions that we made. There will be no blameshifting. So be careful while you are out there living your life to the fullest. Don’t forget the one who created you and for what purpose. If you don’t know your purpose, seek and you shall find. Call on the Father in the name of the Son.

May God richly bless you, Bishop. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for letting me see some of the other members of the Body, and the work that God has them doing. You are an inspiration. God bless all the readers! Pray!

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