Saturday, February 9, 2008

The New Rebellion And The Red Pill

To rebel is to be motivated to action because of a painful dissatisfaction with the way things are.

To swallow the red pill (ala The Matrix) shows a powerful desire for truth – the dirty, bloody, painful, soul-wrenching, and liberating truth. (To be distinguished from the froo froo, pixie kind of la la truth)

And so, the New Rebellion Handbook (the 2006 book authored by GRQ, Inc and published by Nelson Books) calls for today’s emerging generation to join the uprising and connect to the power source that is the Son of Man - Jesus. We have to swallow the red pill in order to join. That is, we cannot be a part of this rebellion with half-opened eyes and a weak stomach. No, we must be intensely mindful of the obstacles and possess the immediate desire to advance the Kingdom of Heaven. Why? Why join this revolt? Why bother with the Kingdom? Why face the ugly truth about ourselves and our country and our planet? Why indeed . . .
  • because we’ve been lied to and manipulated by people and entities we trust
  • because we’ve been overloaded by so much sex that it permeates our daily lives and media choices and we wind up spending inordinate amounts of time thinking about and pursuing this insidious fixation
  • because our minds and hearts have been distracted and congested with useless crap that disguises itself as intelligent thought
  • because our apathy is debilitating
  • because our materialism is destructive
  • because our souls are empty
  • because we don’t know how to love - really love - unselfishly and with sacrifice

I’ve swallowed the red pill and am ready to prepare for battle. Not with guns and violence, but with the full armor of God – starting with a commitment to “establish the redemptive purposes and culture of heaven upon the earth”. Starting with our generation. Starting now. If you see yourself in here - stay tuned, stay hungry.
Part 1

Quote is from the New Rebellion Handbook, page 14

Time to ring the bell!

In my play, This Train, Mo Wilkerson says to his distraught wife, "I understand. Like all those before me who fulfilled their destiny, it's my turn - my turn to ring the bells of freedom and truth." He was trying to communicate to her a recurring vision he was having that he believed God was using to outline his new mission.

And so, this blog is born out of my desire to begin ringing the bells I have been committed to ring. After many years of preparation, it’s my turn. I will share the direction of rebellion and redemption that the Master has placed on my heart and call for you, the emerging generation, to respond to it. Go crazy - please! Tell me what you think. Tell me where you are in your life. Tell me what God is doing with you and how God is moving in you. Tell me if you think I’m out in left field somewhere. I believe we are being called to a life of rebellion and redemption. In their book, The New Rebellion Handbook (which I highly recommend), the authors outline their convictions about this rebellion. I, too, will have plenty to add as I travel this path. I hope to hear from you along the way. RR