Friday, September 26, 2008

#4 George and Forgiveness 9/23/08

The wind was really blowing hard on Tuesday night, but I felt compelled to go back to the shopping center at OV and read the Word while people shopped for their groceries, etc. I had a number of folks stop by from various churches and then I met the shopping center security guard – George. Retired military and an all-around great guy. We talked on and off when he would swing back by during his rounds. He had some really tough spiritual questions regarding forgiveness. I offered some input, but I don’t think it satisfied him. So, I’ll ask all of you and hopefully you’ll be able to shed some light that I can take back to him.

Some quick background: The Parable Of The Unmerciful Servant Matt 18:21-35 – Jesus tells this parable after Peter asks how many times he should forgive his brother. After answering seventy-seven times, Jesus then states at the end that the Father had the unmerciful servant tortured until he paid back all he owed. Jesus said, “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart." Also, in Matt 6:12, as Jesus prays what we call the Lord’s Prayer, he says “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” George’s concern is that he cannot bring himself to forgive someone who has hurt him deeply and continues to do so. He has confessed this sin of non-forgiveness to God, but is worried about his salvation, reasoning that if he cannot forgive this person, he will not be forgiven by the Father. So, what do you all say? Please respond with your thoughts and feelings and I will pass them along to George. I told him that since he has confessed his sin of non-forgiveness that God would take that into account. Beyond that, I’m at a loss. Help!

The night ended with our conversation and the joy of 2 Christians sharing Christ with each other. I think I’ll go back to the shopping center this weekend, unless God has other plans for me. God bless all of you, and keep praying for me as I pray for all of you. Amen.

1 comment:

FlipFlop Mom said...

I had to really pray on how to answer this.. because I too struggle with forgiveness...and I'm working on that myself...

I don't talk to my parents.. AT ALL.. because bottom line.. they were selfish, abusive, parents... and I know that God calls us to forgive ... and I battle with this.. because I feel "cheated" out of a relationship with parents.. and I daily ask God "WHY?" Why did I get these parents... and not LOVING ones...

It's been 8 years since I've seen them... and in the bottom of my heart I KNOW that they will never change who they are.. and I will never change who I am to conform to who they want ME to be..I won't be manipulated anymore.. and they can't stand that..

I know God calls us to forgive so we can be forgiven... But I also know He says that we don't have to forget..He doesn't want us to forget because He doesn't want us to be hurt that way ever again...

Forgiveness is something that I need to listen on.. and read about.. it's something I haven't been able to do alone ...and I know I can't do it alone with God.. one day He is going to put someone in my life.. who will help me to forgive... that I know!! and I have to be patient and wait!!