So it's been 5 months since I last did any Street-Reading - October 2008. Talk about being distracted - talk about losing sight of the Master . . . Yikes! But I'm back and trying to fight the good fight everyday.
Last Sunday after church, I returned to my usual spot at Ocean View Beach to read God's saving Word to anyone who walks by. (Since our move to Virginia Beach in November, I had been wondering and praying to see if God wanted me to Read somewhere else. Since I haven't gotten a different direction, I returned to where He last directed me.) It was a beautiful March day and there were a lot of people about. After a few minutes of reading, I noticed a man carrying a plastic bag watching me. He did this for a few minutes and then sat down to my right and continued to watch, making soft comments every once in a while.
About that time, my friend Matthew showed up - I had called him earlier - to hang out and pass out Bible tracts and talk to folks. He quickly befriended the man with the plastic bag - Carlton - and, after about 90 minutes or so, we decided to leave and run an errand for Matthew. While I was packing up my stuff, Matthew went over to talk to Carlton and, before I knew it, he was leading him to Jesus! Seems that Carlton was at the end of his rope; homeless and with no money. He's been that way for awhile and just wanted to get home to Washington D.C. where his children were. He kept saying that God had led him to the end of the road and here he was at the water. He knew he couldn't go any farther and wondered why he was there. And then he realized that God sent him there to hear His word and to rededicate his life. Well, that's exactly what he did as Matthew and I prayed for and with him, holding hands while the Spirit of God worked and filled Carlton with His mercy, forgiveness and joy. Praise the God of miracles! Praise and glory to Him who's timing is perfect! Praises to Him who will use imperfect servants to do His will and accomplish His tasks!
When we were finished, the 3 of got in my car and went to my house. Matthew needed to check on his van, which is parked in a safe spot across the street from my house, and Carlton was hungry. Earlier in the week my beautiful wife Colleen had made a new dish called Tortilla Soup. Sounds weird, I know, but it's fantastic! Filled Carlton right up! He was ready for a nap afterwards. Anyway, I gave him an extra duffle bag for his stuff and then we drove Matthew back to his kids' house. Then I took Carlton to the bus station in downtown Norfolk, bought him a one-way ticket to D.C. and gave him a few bucks for incidentals. By 6:30 pm that Sunday night he was on his way home with a full stomach and a revived spirit. Just before I left, he had an awed look on his face and said, "When this day started, I had no idea what I was going to do or where I was going to get my next meal from. God sent you to me today - and now I'm going home."
Later that night, as Colleen and I talked about the day's adventures, I felt once again like a part of the Kingdom. Like I was contributing to the positive pile. Many years ago, my best friend and mentor - Dick Waters - said that there were only two piles in life; positive and negative. We had to decide which pile we were going to contribute to. That's always stayed with me. I know I contributed to the positive pile on Sunday. And, according to scripture (Matt 25:40), I fed Jesus and helped him get back home. Pretty awesome is how I feel! Pretty humble that even I can be of service to the Kingdom - and the Master.
Pray for Carlton - and for all those desperate, homeless folks struggling to stay alive out there. Please pray that our God would send the workers to help them - maybe you. God Bless!